ROC Membership Form
The fight for dignity and justice for America's restaurant workers is heating up nationwide. But we'll get nowhere without your support! Become a member today.
Get access to legal assistance, key training, access to our annual event in Washington, DC. Help us push back against the influence of the restaurant lobby, continue the fight for One Fair Wage, and improve working conditions for the country's 14 million restaurant workers.
When we organize we can win! With an historic victory in Minnesota, we now have the ambitious goal of spreading One Fair Wage all across the country. Because people who work in restaurants are the lowest paid workers, we have an unprecedented chance to lift millions out of poverty.
But we can only do this with your help.
Our success of our campaign depends on raising the funds necessary to win the fight One Fair Wage. Our success depends on you.
In addition to supporting our work, members will receive regular updates on threats to dignity and justice for America's restaurant workers, opportunities to help, and resources including key organizing strategies, and arguments to rebut anti-Restaurant Workers Justice advocates.
- Worker Member - $10/year (free for the first year)
- Small Restaurant Member (less than 50 employees) - $100/year dues
- Large Restaurant Member (50 or more employees) - $500/year dues
Get in Touch with Nicole Alequin
© 2018